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Mn-Fr: 9.00-13.00,
St, Sn: выходной

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st. Pravdy, 26a

Выборы президента РБ

World Water Day

Day March 22 the UN General Assembly in 1993 officially proclaimed World Day for Water. In accordance with the recommendations of the UN Conference on Environment protection and development of the day began to celebrate the 1993 annual.

Water – one of the natural resources that are important to the rational control. Water resources are of great importance in all spheres of economic, social and human development. A drop of water has the power drop of water is necessary for all. To date, over 663 million people lack drinking water of the sources close to the places of residence.

The main task of the festival – to raise public awareness about the importance of water issues and the need for their sustainable use, as well as to push the governments, organizations, communities, and everyone around the world to take active measures for the conservation and recovery of water resources.

Each year, the activities carried out within the framework of the Day, dedicated to a certain topic. The theme of World Water Day 2019 – “I will not leave anyone on the sidelines” (Leaving no one behind).

In 2015, the UN adopted the “Agenda for sustainable development up to 2030”, according to which defined sustainable development (bags), targets and indicators (only 17 body).

The goal of sustainable development of the number 6 (chur 6) “Ensuring the availability and efficient use of water and sanitation for all” calls for 2030 to provide equitable access to safe drinking water and integrated water resources management based on the principles of sustainable development. In other words – sets us the task does not leave anyone behind. It is important to remember that chur 6 is inextricably linked to the issues of health, food security and climate change, as well as resilience to natural disasters and ecosystem management.

Chur 6 is fully consistent with the target water strategies to ensure water security of Belarus. Accordingly, the objectives and their indicators for Objective 6 are targets and indicators as water strategy.

The main strategic goal is to achieve long-term water security of the country to its present and future generations.

To achieve this goal is necessary to address a number of long-term priorities, covering specific areas of protection and use of water resources.

Under water security means:

– reliable water supply population standard quality and safe disposal of wastewater (including wastewater surface), while ensuring the affordability of service water and wastewater;

– Economy reliable water supply branches in required volumes and safe retraction of industrial wastewater while ensuring their standard purification;

– protection of life and property of the population and sectors of the economy from the negative effects of water;

– ensuring good ecological status of water bodies.

Vitebsk region, in contrast to other areas of the Republic is the most well-water. Water resources potential of the Vitebsk region is represented by large reserves of liftable and surface water. Resources liftable waters make up 3.36 km3 / year. In the region take place two large transboundary rivers – the Western Dvina and Dnepr, about 600 medium and small rivers with a total length of 9036.8 km, the resources of which the average is 19.1 km3 per year.

Distinguishes our area and the large number of lakes, they are about two thousand, with a total area of ​​900 km2 and the water volume 3243 Mm3. The largest lakes are areas – oz.Osveyskoe area of ​​52.6 km2 (the second place in the country after oz.Naroch) oz.Lukomskoe – 36.6 km2, oz.Drivyaty – 36.1 km2, oz.Nescherdo – 24.6 km2 and others. Braslav Ushachy area and a large accumulation of different size and depth Lakes branched forms lake system. Braslavskaya Ozyornaya system includes 31 Lake Ushachsky – 60 Lakes.

Water resources used for drinking and industrial water supply, hydropower, recreation, fish-pond farming, irrigation.

According to this state water cadastre withdrawal of surface water and water extraction liftable in 2017 amounted to 168 445 000 m3, the number of surface water bodies -. 77.07 million m3, of liftable waters -. 91,375,000 m3..

It should be noted a strong tendency to decrease volume of extraction (removal) of water for use, a tendency of reduction of losses and unaccounted water conditioning costs.

Despite the positive momentum necessary to continue the development of the rational use of water due to the introduction of advanced energy- and resource-saving production processes to ensure the transition to small and waterless social production, repair and replacement of worn-out networks in the systems of water supply and sewage, and others.

At the same time it is necessary to adopt measures aimed at preventing the pollution of waters liftable and improve their quality. The solution is possible due to the timely execution of work on the liquidation plugging unused wells, replacement of obsolete and worn-out filtration field for modern treatment facilities, correct operation selskagaspadarchyh objects and others.

One of the main tasks in the areas of water – saving rivers and lakes of the Vitebsk region, improve the ecological status of surface water bodies.

Reduced human load is possible by reducing the volume Throw inadequately treated sewage into the surface water. To do this, in the Province of implementing measures for construction of treatment facilities, reconstruction and repair of existing drainage systems and wastewater treatment. In 2018 it held water protection measures in the municipal sewage treatment plants gg.Braslava, Vitebsk, Lepel, at treatment facilities of “Glubokoye Milk Factory”; Branch “Novopolotsk CHP” RUE “Vitebskenergo”; plant “Polymir” of JSC “Naftan”, etc.).

In 2018 it built a new sewage treatment plant OOO “Vitkonprodukt” in Shumilino district, Permission for use treatment facilities of industrial wastewater and treatment facilities of surface runoff SCP “Vitebsk fur factory” facilities for cleaning of surface runoff institutions “Gluboksky experimental forestry”, held launches -naladochnye work on treatment plants g.Glubokoe.

As part of the activities for the development of the Orsha region the works on the construction of the reservoir from the treatment plant to the treatment plant g.p.Bolbasovo Orsha. It is developing a project for the transfer of waste water from sewage treatment plants GP Kopys treatment facilities Orsha.

The volume insufficiently treated waste water was 70 m3 in 2018 year, which is 360 m3 less than the 2017 year.

Evaluation of the quality of surface waters and liftable carried out by observations in the framework of a national system of environmental monitoring, including local monitoring, which is carried out as a self-control forces of nature.

Within the framework of cooperation with the Russian Federation in the field of protection and rational use of transboundary water bodies is working on evaluation of the quality of surface water Transboundary Watercourses Zapadnaya Dvina, coming from the territory of the Russian Federation.

As a result of conducting activities to date for this environmental monitoring ecological status of surface water bodies basins of the Western Dvina and Dnepr generally assessed as relatively good, the water quality remains stable with a tendency of some improvement.

Over the years, the quality of surface waters in the Vitebsk region of cross-border sections of the river on the border with the Russian Federation and the Republic of Latvia does not change and hydrochemical status is described as “excellent” and “good.”

In the future, the constant monitoring, timely development and implementation of a set of different measures, the effective interaction of all participants of water relations would achieve positive results and to ensure environmental quality.