

+ 375 212 247440

Mn-Fr: 9.00-13.00,
St, Sn: выходной

210029, Vitebsk,
st. Pravdy, 26a

Выборы президента РБ

Vitebsk Regional Committee of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection will take part in the campaign “United Day of Security”

From February 20 to March 1, the United Security Day campaign is held across the country. During the action, targeted preventive measures are taken to prevent emergencies, offenses and crimes, as well as training in emergency situations, accidents, and first aid.

In the course of the “Unified Security Day” in the territorial bodies and organizations subordinate to the Vitebsk Regional Committee of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, practical measures (exercises, trainings) will be carried out to respond to natural and man-made emergencies (using fire alarm systems, warning people about fire and evacuation management) when receiving civil defense signals (emergency situations), using personal legal and collective protection, assistance to victims). On the stands will be placed visual and visual products on the stands with information about life safety.

In February, with the employees of the central office of the Vitebsk Regional Committee of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, an instructional session will be held with the involvement of the Emergencies Ministry staff.


To increase the level of public safety, intensify fire prevention work from February 20 to March 1, 2019, a single safety day is held in the Vitebsk region, in which organizations of the Committee on Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee take part.

The purpose of a single security day is to minimize the death of people from external causes.


    Development of a life safety culture in society;
    Carrying out educational work with the younger generation;
    Promotion of safe living conditions of the population.

During the campaign, social services will be held on:

– practical measures (exercises, trainings) to respond to natural and man-made emergencies with practicing actions in case of fire detection (with the use of fire alarm systems, hardware and software systems for warning people about fire and evacuation management) or when receiving civil defense signals (occurrence Emergency), the use of personal protective equipment, assistance to victims);

– Distribution among the population of thematic visual and graphic products in the field of life safety (leaflets, booklets, etc.);

– placement of visual-visual products with information about life safety on the stands of social service institutions.