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St, Sn: выходной

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st. Pravdy, 26a

Выборы президента РБ

Results of the second stage of the national competition for the best children’s drawing on environmental topics

       Vitebsk regional organizing Committee on March 13, 2019 held a summing up at the regional level of the second stage of the national competition for the best children’s drawing on environmental topics.

      At the second stage of the regional level of the Republican competition district (city) organizing committees were presented 140 works from districts and cities of Vitebsk region. Having considered the materials, the members of the organizing Committee noted the special flavor of children’s works presented by educational institutions.

The organizing Committee decided:

in the age group from 3 to 5 years:

1st place to award: Lapina Elena, 5 years old, for drawing “Good morning”, GUO ” Nursery-garden № 61 of Vitebsk“;

2nd place award: Kuczynski Zlata, 4 years, SEE ”Ozeretskoe kindergarten–high school of the Gluboksky district“, for the figure ”I take care of a flower“;

3rd place to award: Eva Dvorak, 4 years, GUO “Nursery-garden № 1 of Lepel”, for drawing ” bullfinches on the feeder“;

in the age group from 6 to 10 years:

1st place award: Alekhnovich Anastasia, 10 years old, SEE ”Germanovicha high school Sharkovschina district“ by the ”Keepers of the swamp Elnya“;

2nd place to award: Samonov Kirill, 7 years old, Gudo “Lepel district center for children and youth“, for the figure “Оne tree cut down-ten planted“;

3rd place award: Hodorenko Constantine, 8 years old, DUO. ”Caucasia kinder-garden – secondary school“, for the figure ”Pack s the best trymy svoy yard at cyshcn“.

To say that the original technique and the composition works:

Nosevich Mary, age 9, Rublevskoe Anna, 9 years old, SEE ”Beshenkovichi children’s school of arts“;

Kravtsova Vladislava, 9 years old, GUO “Secondary school № 2 in Dubrovno“;

Brovko Darya, 7 years old, Gudo ”ushachsky district centre of children and youth“;

Kovalevskaya Anastasia, 9 years old, SEE ”Velikogoricka kindergarten – high school named after P. Brovka ushachsky area“;

Running Sophia, 7 years old of GUO ”secondary school No. 2 in Town“;

The Simanovich Zachary, 10 years old, GUO ”secondary school № 1 named after Hero of the Soviet Union P. A. Akotionga G. p. Shumilino“;

Of get here Polina, 5 years old, SEE ”Miorsky nursery-garden № 3“.

Send to the Republican organizing Committee of the winners and prize-winners of the second (regional) stage to participate in the third stage of the competition.

Award the winners of the second stage of the competition with diplomas.