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Выборы президента РБ

On the results of control activities for handling wastes

The priority areas of work of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Environment to control waste management are the issues of ensuring the operation of municipal waste disposal facilities in accordance with the requirements of environmental legislation, organizing the collection and extraction of secondary material resources, optimizing the network of mini-landfills, preventing the formation of unauthorized dumps.

In the course of the work carried out in 2018, 1963 solid municipal waste disposal facilities (hereinafter – MSW) were surveyed, including 582 MSW landfills and 1381 MSW mini-landfills in rural areas.

In the course of the surveys, 1470 violations of the rules for the operation and maintenance of the MSW disposal facilities were identified.

Contamination of adjacent territories with waste, lack of information signs, the unsatisfactory condition of access roads, the disposal of secondary material resources (hereinafter – BMP) are the most frequently detected violations (72 percent of all violations). In 228 cases (16 percent) there was no layer-by-layer compaction and isolation of waste entering the MSW disposal facilities. In 173 cases (12 percent), the MSW burial sites did not have integral fencing or embankment. In Dubrovno, Liozno and Rossony districts, there were revealed facts of lack of accounting and weighing, which are received at landfills of waste.

Established 670 cases of disposal of BMP. Most of them were found in Polotsk (47), Liozno (44), Rossony (41) districts and the city of Vitebsk (40).

A systematic work is being carried out to optimize the network of TKO mini-test sites, their number has been reduced by almost 3.5 times – from 708 to 207. In 2018, 109 mini-test sites were closed and reclaimed. It should be noted the work in this direction of the Chashniki district, where 16 mini-landfills were recultivated and the Dubrovensky district was reclaimed – 12 mini-landfills were reclaimed. Fully reclaimed mini-polygons in Beshenkovichi and Lepel districts. At the same time, a large number of mini-polygons remain in Miory (20), Glubokoe (19), Gorodok (18), and Senno (15) districts.

In the course of the surveys carried out on the territories of the districts and settlements of the region, 1187 facts of waste disposal outside the authorized places were revealed. The largest number of them was established in the city of Vitebsk (135), Orsha (149), Dokshitsy (81) and Miory (80) districts. 122 points of instructions were issued, 351 points of recommendations, 693 points of information letters were sent, 263 protocols on administrative responsibility were drawn up, and fines in the amount of 64,896 rubles were imposed.

A total of 3428 violations of legislation on waste management were identified in 2018, 1,520 prescriptions and recommendations were issued, 1,516 information letters were issued, 538 administrative protocols were compiled, and the amount of fines imposed was 1,36043 rubles.

Control in the field of waste management will continue.

Yudenkov V.N., head of control department

waste management