

+ 375 212 247440

Mn-Fr: 9.00-13.00,
St, Sn: выходной

210029, Vitebsk,
st. Pravdy, 26a

Выборы президента РБ

On the conservation of coniferous youngsters in the pre-New Year period

The New Year tree has long and firmly become the symbol of the New Year, and therefore on the eve of holidays it appears in almost every home.

On legal grounds, a natural Christmas tree can be purchased at special Christmas bazaars, organized by legal entities leading forestry and individual entrepreneurs.
Cutting down Christmas trees of conifers by individuals is prohibited!

Representatives of forestry institutions on these days are switching to heavy duty, including using photo and video cameras. For the illegal cutting of New Year’s spruce, a fine is imposed: from 122.5 to 1225 rubles – on an individual, from 490 to 4900 rubles – on an individual entrepreneur and from 1225 to 7350 rubles – on a legal entity.

In addition, the damage to the environment is estimated at up to 5 basic values ​​(122.5 rubles) for each tree cut down with a diameter of up to 8 cm, which will painfully hit the moneymaker’s wallet.
As a result, the unauthorized cutting of New Year’s spruce can cost a lot much more than the amount of the acquisition of spruce in forestry or at the Christmas tree market.

Take care of our forests, save nature and do not darken your holiday by illegal logging of forest plantations!