

+ 375 212 247440

Mn-Fr: 9.00-13.00,
St, Sn: выходной

210029, Vitebsk,
st. Pravdy, 26a

Выборы президента РБ

About modification of the permission to storage and burial of production wastes

The Vitebsk Regional Committee of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection informs that according to the information of the Republican Unitary Enterprise “Bel SIC“ Ecology ”, the following objects were registered in the register of waste utilization facilities:
1. Excavator with a bucket crusher, under registry number 3145. The owner is Himtrans. Waste used – 4 hazard classes (waste codes – 3121800, 3141401, 3144206, 3991300), non-hazardous waste (waste codes – 3140705, 3141004, 3141104, 3142707, 3142708, 3142709). The organization uses its own waste and accepts waste from outside organizations.
2. Technological line for the production of cement by the dry method with a capacity of 1.8 million tons in the area of ​​the Kamenka deposit, under registry number 3146. The proprietor is Krichevtsementnoshifer OJSC. Used waste – 4 class of danger (waste codes – 3,510,209, 3,510,101, 3,120,201, 3,144,501, 5,959,900), non-hazardous waste (waste codes – 3110200, 3110300, 3110400, 3140701, 3140702, 3140703, 3140704, 3140705, 3140708, 3140710, 3140729, 3141004 , Companies, companies, companies, companies, companies, companies, companies, companies, companies, companies, companies, companies, companies, companies, companies, companies, companies, companies, companies, companies, companies, companies, companies, companies, companies, companies, companies, , 3991100, 3991200). The organization uses its own waste and accepts waste from outside organizations.
3. Crushing bucket model BF 70.2, under registry number 3147. The owner is EcoSpetsUtil LLC. Waste used – 4 hazard classes (waste codes – 3141401, 3144203, 3144204, 3144206, 3991101, 3991300), 3 hazard classes (waste code – 3130100). The organization accepts waste from outside organizations.
In order to prevent offenses in the field of waste management and prevent the disposal of secondary material resources in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 5 of Article 25 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Waste Management”, we remind business entities about the need to reconcile the list of wastes allowed for disposal at waste disposal facilities with object registers on the use of waste and waste disposal facilities, in the framework of compliance with legal requirements in terms of amending existing permits elimination of waste, which were put into operation facilities for the use of such waste facilities and their treatment.
Registries of objects are posted on the official websites of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus and RUE “Bel SIC“ Ecology ”
Information is updated on the sites within 14 business days after the registration of the object.
The basis is the second and third parts of paragraph 2 of clause 14 of the Regulations on the procedure for issuing and canceling permits for storage and burial of production wastes, as well as their suspension, approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 1104 of July 23, 2010 “On some issues in the field of waste. Legal entities must contact the authority issuing a permit for the storage and disposal of industrial waste (hereinafter referred to as a permit) to make changes and (or) additions within 30 days from the day of:
registration in the register of facilities for the use of waste of the facility for use of waste, receiving waste, specified in the permit, from third-party organizations;
registration in the register of storage facilities, disposal and disposal of waste from the waste disposal facility, receiving waste specified in the permit, from third-party organizations.

Head of Control
for handling waste V.N. Yudenkov