

+ 375 212 247440

Mn-Fr: 9.00-13.00,
St, Sn: выходной

210029, Vitebsk,
st. Pravdy, 26a

Выборы президента РБ

About committee

The chairman – Koltsa Raman Fedaravich tel.: 8 (0212) 24 74 40;

financial and economic department: tel. 8 (0212) 24 74 32 (fax), 24 74 39, 24 74 59 (fax);

department of legal, personnel and organizational work: tel. 8 (0212) 24 74 18, 24 74 19, 24 74 50 (fax).

Deputy Chairman – Galuzo Anna Vladislavovna tel.: 8 (0212) 24 74 26;

Department of coordination of control activities tel .: 8 (0212) 24 74 52, 24 74 35;

Department of control over the protection and use of atmospheric air and water resources: tel. 8 (0212) 24 74 29, 24 74 56 (fax), 24 74 36.

Deputy Chairman – Markovsky Alexey Anatolievich tel.: 8 (0212) 24 74 22;

Department of control over the protection and use of land, mineral resources, biodiversity, specially protected natural territories: tel. 8 (0212) 24 74 21 (fax), 24 74 58 (fax);

Department of control over waste management 8 (0212) 24 74 27, 24 74 28 (fax)

Vitebsk Committee of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection:

The parent organization of the Vitebsk Regional Committee of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection is the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus – 220004, Minsk, ul. Collector-10,
8 (017) 200-72-61,,